The feeling matters

The vibe, the intent, the ambience, the energy ... however you want to phrase it, the feeling matters.

Please don't hear that as the thoughts and words don't, as they really do, there's an interplay ... a dance if you like ... where it's more effective, enjoyable to experience and beautiful to watch when the feeling takes the lead.

OK, let me back up a bit.

If you're not always sure of what you are feeling please know that this can be completely normal. Also, be onto yourself to see if that is really true. If you sense or experience a situation that feels 'off' to you, that something is not quite right, feels uncomfortable, makes you fidgety, that you want to distract yourself with something else then these are all indications that taking a closer look would be valuable to you. Equally if something is at the other end of the 'stick' (I love a bit of high-tech jargon!) and feels great, amazing, joyful, time flies by it's also worth taking notice of.

With that said 'feeling the feels' is a very valuable life skill that anyone can learn, even if you don't think in this moment that it's possible for you.

So, why does the feeling matter?

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels


I don't actively ask for testimonials. I also don't share all of them as they can be quite personal.

However when I do they are always anonymous as it's one of my "things" to keep my clients safe so they are able to show up as all of them in a trusted and confidential space.

Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

About you

You'd like to feel better more of the time than you do right now. To really feel the pleasure of you being you. This could even be in spite of having achieved and succeeded already in one or more areas of your life. You know, and are, grateful in many ways for how your life is at the moment. You still know there is that missing something, that something your beautiful warm heart would love to achieve and experience.

Perhaps you'd love to ...

The benefits

Perhaps the following connect with you ...

Allow and chose your feelings on purpose

Being willing to experience any feeling in a healthy way will set you free as we do, or don't do, anything because of the way it makes us feel. It's also possible to reduce the hold of those quick 'go to' feelings that can be unpleasant to experience. The beauty is this works both ways as it's also possible to choose the ones that serve us on purpose. Think building loving and meaningful relationships.

Befriend your inner critic

Our brains just want to look after us. However when we listen to our inner mind chatter this doesn't always feel true. Understanding and working with your brain and beautiful mystical heart will bring more enjoyment and pleasure in you being you.

Improve your inner and outer world

Your feelings, thoughts, beliefs and values are powerful and determine how you 'see' your internal and external worlds. If you genuinely believe people are kind you will come across kind people. It's one, of many, cognitive biases our minds have. Imagine for a moment what your world would be like if you truly felt, with every ounce of your being, that you are worthy of loving, care and respect.

Photo by Belle Co from Pexels

About me

I'm learning and evolving. Sometimes I think I'm being (and doing) well, and sometimes I think I'm not. I think a lot. This used to be a problem, and exhausting, now it's my super power and brings me energy.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels


I regularly add new LinkedIn articles and posts, podcasts, guided audios and handouts so please check in when you can.

Photo by David Alberto Carmona Coto from Pexels

Getting in touch

If this connects with you and you'd like to find out more please email 'CURIOUS' to

Please know that not feeling ready, able, capable or having the money or time can be completely normal. As can the opposite. Either way it's about you first, which could be saying "Yes", "No" or "Maybe" to us working together. All can be equally valuable when they come from feeling on purpose ... which really will create your world.